Prof. Detlef D Nauck
BT, UKData Science at BT
All large organisations are facing the challenge of integrating sophisticated analytics and the management of big data into their daily operations. Corporations have long realised the value of analytics for making evidence-based decisions, but they are finding it difficult to keep up with the evolving fields of business intelligence, data mining, predictive analytics, big data etc. that all somehow seem to be culminating into what is called Data Science today. The challenges of corporate analytics are not about which analytical tools to buy, which big data environment to deploy or which analytical methods produce the best predictive models. Corporations are struggling more with the 'Hows' of analytics instead of the 'Whats'. In this talk I will look at how BT's corporate research program addresses the challenges that Data Science poses to the business. Using examples of practical projects I will illustrate how analytics and big data methods are used for improving decisions and operations. The presentation will close with an outlook on how corporate analytics may continue to evolve and how academic research can contribute.

Detlef Nauck is Chief Research Scientist for Data Science with BT's Research and Innovation Division located at Adastral Park, Ipswich, UK. He is leading a group of international scientists working on research into Data Science covering areas like process analytics, network analytics, customer analytics, business modelling and autonomics for networks, processes and IT systems. Detlef focuses on solving business problems that require complex analysis of large and diverse data sources and the design of intelligent systems. His research programme focusses on making advances in practical machine learning methods and data analysis techniques and downstreaming them into the business. The aim is to enable networks, systems and processes to reach a level of self-awareness that allows them to automatically predict and prevent failures and so improve customer experience. Detlef has published over 100 papers and holds six patents. He is a Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University and a Private Docent at the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany. Detlef holds an MSc (1990) and a PhD (1994) in Computer Science both from the University of Braunschweig, Germany. He also holds a Habilitation (post-doctoral degree) in Computer Science from the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany (2000).
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