20th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
Welcome to KES2016!
We are pleased to announce the 20th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES2016 organised by KES International in the historic city of York in the United Kingdom, took place on the 5th - 7th of September 2016.
The conference consisted of keynote talks, oral and poster presentations, invited sessions and workshops, on the applications and theory of intelligent systems and related areas.
The KES Prize Committee awarded the Best Paper award to Prof. Frank Klawonn from the University of Applied Sciences BS/WF for the paper:
'Exploring data sets for clusters and validating single clusters'
Prof. Frank Klawonn
The Best Student Paper Award was given for the paper judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference, where the main author is a research student. The judges made their assessment based on the quality of the research presented.
The winner was:
'Portable decision support for diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury'
Professor Rossi Setchi, Mr Bruno Albert, Dr Alexandre Noyvirt, Mr Haldor Sjaaheim, Dr Frode Strisland, Dr Svetla Velikova
The Best Invited Session prize went to 'Complex Multidimensional Data Analysis' by Professor Sato-Ilic
The conference proceedings are now published in Elsevier's
Procedia Computer Science
open access journal, available in ScienceDirect and submitted to be indexed/abstracted in
CPCi (ISI conferences and part of Web of Science), Engineering Index, and Scopus(subject to confirmation).